Corona : Seeds of Hope

Today Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed Martial Law in the face of a medical crisis. Martial Law prevents meetings of more than two people, more than a single daily outdoor trip for exercise, shopping except for food and medical supplies, visiting except to provide care for vulnerable individuals, and only essential travel to work. And … [Read more…]

International Women’s Day – Making strides in Medicine

Today I had a conversation with a colleague who is a Consultant in International Health Care Delivery. We spoke about medicine, women and the world today. We talked about psychosocial medicine, where medicine fails, and where it succeeds. Medicine has become a series of protocols and guidelines, distracting away from the patient. The ancients knew … [Read more…]

Sexuality – who are you really?

There is a fundamental confusion around what a person’s sexuality means even without going down the alphabet of LGTBQ – because none of the old language or established terminology seems to apply. However there are three aspects that have to be addressed before you start to apply the fancy lettering of social justice to help … [Read more…]