Corona : Seeds of Hope

Today Prime Minister Boris Johnson imposed Martial Law in the face of a medical crisis. Martial Law prevents meetings of more than two people, more than a single daily outdoor trip for exercise, shopping except for food and medical supplies, visiting except to provide care for vulnerable individuals, and only essential travel to work. And by the way – keep your social distance!

These are desperate measures not tempered by the seeds of hope.

Seeds of Hope

1 – Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands.
Corona virus lives on metal surfaces (not cardboard – Amazon take note) and on your hands, and by consequence on damp towels.
It is transmitted as much by faecal contamination as by coughing, and persists in the poo long after the symptoms have disappeared. To prevent reinfection or further spreading
a) Have your own bath towel
b) Use disposable paper towels to dry your hands especially after the toilet – carry your own kitchen towel – everywhere
c) try to use your own toilet, wash your hands and be very particular.
The Chinese themselves use paper towels after they wash their hands, and Trump, testing negative, is a germaphobe

2 Top up on Zinc and other minerals, including chromium and selenium
Zinc protects against viruses generally and supports the body’s immune system. Try – Vitamin C and Zinc Supplements, multi-mineral multi-vitamin supplements, Zinc Tablets – any one of these will do – the body is not proud
Keep a healthy diet and exercise.

3 – Prevention and Treatment – Medicines that may help include hydroxychloroquinine and chloroquinine. Ask your GP for a prescription – although they will almost certainly refuse it. The Chinese found it helpful
The French doctors have begun a study testing the following drugs :
a) hydroxychloroquinine
b) remdesivir
c) topinavir and ritonavir
d) lopinavir, ritonavir, and interferon beta
e) standard care
Hydroxy- chloroquine is an anti-malarial drug that can be used both to prevent malaria and possibly Corona Virus, It is also used in chronif rheumatoid arthritis and auto-immune diseases
The other drugs are antivirus drugs that may be useful against Corona Virus.
For more information

It is unlikely that any of these options will be available in the UK in the near future, thus you need to write to your MP and ask that they are made available – for details of your MP
Send them a copy of this post and ask they take action

We have yet again been betrayed by our leaders and politicians. Only you can look after you, start with the above, and share the love.

There is one good thing about Boris – he makes Trump look normal 😉
And it is true what they say about Corona Beer

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