Corona Virus or not Corona Virus? That is the Question

I do not understand what is going on – it does not make sense. The local hospital looks like the Marie Celeste, all routine work has shut down and there is a mad panic for ventilators

I have questions
1 – Why are we not issuing masks and gloves to the general population and enforcing their wearing, that rather trashing the economy through a lockdown?

2 – Why are we not enhancing peoples’ immunity with Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine – which helps Zinc get into the cells, and a broad spectrum antibiotic to clear general bugs, allowing the body to more effectively repel a virus attack.

3 – Viruses also spread from poo to mouth – the orofaecal route. The Chinese always use disposable kitchen towel to dry their hands after washing them, we could too. At the very least it reduces the viral load and stops the virus spreading on hand towels within a household

4 – How reliable is the Covid 19 test – best estimates reckon that some kind of genetic material is identified in between 60 and 90% of people with a viral infection – that is not good

5 – How do we know that Covid 19 is the culprit when someone presents with a cough, flu like symptoms and a temperature? No other virus is tested for – this could be an ordinary flu epidemic – no need to invoke Covid 19 as no one is excluding Ordinary Flu, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, SARS MERS or the common cold. Diagnosis begins with looking at possibilities – a list of differential diagnoses. That is not happening

6 – CT Scans of the chest are not specific for Covid 19 – they just tell you whether your lungs are congested, as they are with any other viral or other pneumonia.

7 – Low oxygen – you might just be a lazy overweight unfit unhealthy specimen of humanity. Oxygen saturation is measured using a finger probe – not unusual for that to give a low reading, especially if all you are doing is sitting around watching telly. Why do you need to oxygenate if your daily exercise is channel changing with a remote control.

8 – Why the call for ventilators????
i – Over sixties should not be put on a ventilator unless you have a definite plan to get them off with the next 24 – 48 hours, otherwise they might be there for a month or longer and die a horrible death
ii – If you want to manage ventilation effectively, you need a tracheostomy, – airway opening in the neck. More than a few days with an ET (ventilator) tube seriously damages the airways – I haven’t seen any tracheostomies. Inexperienced doctors putting patients on ventilators is likely to do more harm than good.
iii – Ventilation is not an appropriate treatment for pneumonia – because it pushes infection further into the lungs
iv – Ventilation damages lungs – so if you weren’t sick before you started, a week on a ventilator will surely make you sick. This is why the mortality with ventilation is 60% and greater – which represents the natural fallout of Long term (more than a week) ventilation
v – Boris has largely survived because St Thomas’ Hospital would not have survived the shame of killing the Prime Minister. However his admission has provided a sufficiently dramatic gesture to frighten the unbelievers into continuing with lockdown
vi – I am DNI – Do Not Intubate, I will take my chances in the sunshine

9 – Sooner rather than later, and we may have already passed the point where the medical and economic response to Covid19 has cost more life years than Covid19. All routine medical treatment has stopped, including Cancer treatment and no one can even get an X-ray. Economic activity enables people to live healthier lives – we are now more likely to die from poverty associated illnesses including heart disease etc

10 – Its an ill wind that blows no good, or alternatively – every cloud has a silver lining. The NHS can continue as an Emergency Only service, applauded nightly, while the Deep State sells off all routine work to the highest bidder, as long as they get their cut. And private consultants working in Harley Street and elsewhere, are like pigs in clover. With no routine NHS work going on for the foreseeable future, non emergency treatment is either private or non- existent. NHS hospitals are like ghost ships, no need to employ or replace the regular staff, run operating theatres etc – Great NHS money saving initiatives. Dyson has moved into the HealthCare sector making ventilators – it can’t be that hard, and HMS Nightingales will not sing in Barclay Square because there are no Covid19 patients to fill their beds

One Comment

  1. Serena Edwins-Howes

    Thank you Liz,

    This is exactly the questions that have been keeping me awake at night.

    I’m not saying there is no virus, but there are many things that do not fit the model.
    The factors at play here are very diverse.

    I have a funny feeling the next thing to be announced will be a vaccine and as if snapping your fingers once you have had it, everything will return to normal, well normal with a few tweaks.

    I think we will have to let this play itself out before ‘heads or tails’ can be made of this.

    In the meantime most small businesses will be eradicated or wake up on the other side with huge government loans to pay off. And that’s not even touching on the subject of staff, most people in this country live from pay packet to pay packet.

    I do believe we are beginning to wake up and starting to question things, hospital cleaners, nurses and I’ve even heard a few doctors say, The Hospitals are empty.

    To be honest, I do not know what to think. But, I’m going to keep ‘thinking’ and ‘questioning’ and thank goodness I’m not the only one.

    Many Kind Regards


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