International Women’s Day – Making strides in Medicine

Today I had a conversation with a colleague who is a Consultant in International Health Care Delivery. We spoke about medicine, women and the world today. We talked about psychosocial medicine, where medicine fails, and where it succeeds. Medicine has become a series of protocols and guidelines, distracting away from the patient. The ancients knew … [Read more…]

Medical Cannabis – you may be disappointed

Medical Cannabis covers two groups of substances  Cannabis (CBD) oils – the health part Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – the fun bits which are ‘Psychoactive’  Only CBD is available on prescription and even then, only to a select group of patients  Those with a rare type of epilepsy – EpidiolexThose with pain relating to Multiple Sclerosis – Nabiximols Those … [Read more…]

When doctors tell you there is nothing wrong with you – and you think there might be

Doctors see lots of unhealthy people. Their patients are generally overweight, on long term medication, in pain and depressed. That is the nature of modern illness and that is what doctors perceive as ‘normal illness’. Unless, of course, you are a private doctor, whose clientele are likely to be in significantly better shape. If they … [Read more…]