Five Evils of Modern Health

The FIve Evils of Modern Health

Cancer, Coronary Heart Disease, Stroke, Diabetes II . Dementia 

The Bad News – if you get one, you may soon have the rest

The Good News – Live Healthy and you could avoid them all 

What causes them and what do you need to do? 

1 – Live Healthy

Healthy Living is about living in moderation – exercise, healthy diet, following your passion and being true to yourself, live somewhere safe, warm and dry, make friends with your neighbours and  build your real life social networks, understand money, how to make it, how to save it and how to invest it wisely, learn communication skills, don’t abuse your body or your soul 

2 – Take Stress Seriously   

Stress causes diseases – including High Blood Pressure, Type II Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease. These diseases are all but unknown away from the modern toxic lifestyles and were significantly less common when I qualified as a doctor 40 years ago. 

3 – Prevention is better than cure 

Monitor your health – using all the Health Tech you can lay your hands on. Check your pulse and blood pressure, make sure you’re getting enough sleep, exercise – something everyday, eat a plant based diet. 

Pick up your problems early and sort them, don’t think ‘I can live with it’ – because if you don’t sort it now, it will come back and haunt you later

4 Diet and Exercise are the SuperPowers that Dispel the Devil of Disease 

Of course we already know this, we sense it and when we know when we do live well, we feel better. The problem is that most of us are living too close to the edge looking into the abyss of chaos and despair. We are holding back the floodgates of doom, living one paycheck away from disaster, flirting with the Spiral of Despair, dancing through hoops that might cut us off at the knees on every turn. 

Growing old means you accept your limitations. You realise you will never be who you might have been or even who you once were, but you can still live your best life, because you are no longer afraid of shadows or other people’s opinions. Time is most valuable once it starts to run out. 

We do not need more research but rather to understand what already know means and to explain those things that we already know. We do not need more knowledge but to better understand that which we have.  


  1. profound. Approaching 73 in a coupe of days I am only now starting to accept my limitations. Tears before bedtime. I have reversed diabetes type 2, had my cancer ‘cured’ lost weight and taken up bell ringing become (or trying to become) social. Your words are profound and have their echo within me. Acceptance is difficult, thankyou

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